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  • Pyralis ... with more output pins than the ATtiny45/85. The simulation program there can simulate 12 fireflies. More information is at ... . No randomness, sequence repeats every 6 flashes. (uses only 338 bytes of flash memory) - ~t45/pair.c~ :: The simplest ...
  • serial-uae ... type "mount UAE0:" (or put that command in your startup-sequence), and you should be able to access it. Don' ... be able to select the new modes from the ScreenModes program. AHI sound card emulation ======================== In the "amiga" subdirectory of ...
  • assemblage ... anneal at different rates, further increasing the skew. * Per sequence GC content - An uncontaminated genome sample will typically have ... ): parallel -k "echo {}; \ zcat {} | blastm8_filter.pl -b - -m 1 -c -qcov 0.7 -query $proteinfile | cut -f1 | ...
  • PRGmatic ... 2. EASY INSTALL 3. MORE DETAILED INSTALL a. BWA b. CAP3 c. MUSCLE d. SAMTOOLS e. VARSCAN f. COMPUTE 4. TO TURN ... : A DNA sequence assembly program. Genome Research, 9, 10. KOBOLDT, D., CHEN, K., WYLIE, T., LARSON, D., MCLELLAN, M., MARDIS, E. ...
  • SAiL-M ... ) Book: http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/ * Learn to Program: http://pine.fm/LearnToProgram/ (a beginners guide) These two ... schema in schema.rb. db/migrate contains all the sequence of Migrations for your schema. doc This directory is ...
  • ettercap-old ... we can find in : /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/arp.c /* Unsolicited ARP is not accepted by default. It is possible, ... rejected (this until we close ettercap, who maintains sequence numbers correct, after program exit, the connection must be RESET or all ...
  • Simple-Fuzzer ... cases are barely competent programmers. giving them a bulky C program, based on SPIKE that might require heavy ... could +++++++++++++++++++ be inserted. this means for every literal and sequence, you +++++++++++++++++++ will get a copy of the test with ...
  • Complete-Striped-Smith-Waterman-Library ... `ssw.c`, which can be directly used by any C or C++ program. For the C++ users who are more comfortable to use a C++ ... (or ) Options: -m N N is a positive integer for weight match in genome sequence alignment. [default: 2] -x N ...
  • linelife ... below Makefile -- makefile for building linel&llvis llgen.c -- program for exhaustive sequence testing ll2num.sh \ lldetectper.sh\-- shell scripts for ... N is always the same as generation N+M for some M>1). llpicture.sh generates a 2-D ...
  • puzzles ... within a given array in O(n). 2. sequence.c A C implementation of the look-and-say ... Search for element in matrix in O(m+n), where m: #rows and n: #cols 5. merge_sort. ... in O(n) 6. zero_pair.py A Python program to find pairs of integers in a list ...