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  • ycross.rar 关于61板声控小车的源码,可以实现声控小车的前进,停止,转向,倒车等基本动作,支持?-,Asm,语音合成与识别/Speech-Voice recognition/combine
  • LPCCtest.rar Speech-Voice recognition/combine 2
  • 2312.tar.gz SCSI-ASPI Compiler program Disk Tools Speech-Voice recognition/combine Editor Kill Virus MultiLanguage FlashMX MPI source in ebook Delphi VCL OS Develop MiddleWare MacOS develop
  • Speaker-Identification-by-VQ.rar 基于矢量量化的说话人识别,希望有人能用的上
  • dspeech.zip ... with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. And' that is in degree to read to tall voice the written text and to ... 2. It allows to quickly select different bawls and to combine her among them to create dialogues among more bawls. 3 ...
  • OpenHRIVoice ... $ sudo python setup.py install Components ---------- JuliusRTC Julius (English and Japanese) speech recognition component. FestivalRTC English speech synthesis component. OpenJTalkRTC Japanese speech synthesis component. MARYRTC English ...